Get Off the Bus Baton Rouge

Published: 2023-08-23 00:00:00

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If you are not from Louisiana, this may be the first time you are hearing about it, but that is ok. Friday of last week some schools had to cancel or let out early due to a massive bus driver call out. On August 18th, 196 of the 375 drivers called out sick. Why? A number of reasons but at the top of the list are safety concerns for both the kids and the drivers and pay.

With temperatures above 80 degrees Fahrenheit, it's not surprising that the bus drivers are concerned about transporting children in unairconditioned buses with one claiming that by the time children arrive at their destinations they're wet with a layer of sweat. The drivers obviously feel for the kids and are concerned with their safety, but they are also concerned with their ability to provide for their own families.

On average, bus drivers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana make roughly $16 an hour for a grand total of around $35,000 per year per Indeed and That is not an issue if you are a single person, as the federal poverty level for a one person household is $14,580. The issue becomes when the drivers have families. The federal poverty level for a household of 3 is $24,860 and in most states Medicaid benefits can be collected at up to 150% of the federal poverty level, which at a household of three is $37,290. If the driver is the sole provider of income that puts the family below that threshold and within levels to collect state benefits. That is in no way a living wage and the school board recognizes that.

For those who are sticking around, there will be a stipend of $9,500 coming their way made in two payments. The board recognizes that this won't resolve the issue completely and are working on reviewing the wages of the bus drivers and fixing (or procuring newer) the buses as there are around 160 openings for school bus drivers currently. If you do decide to do some diving and research this story, remember a worker shortage does not mean that there aren't enough people qualified to do the job, there are simply not enough qualified people who are willing to do the job for the wage offered. There is a difference.

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