Spooky Scary Skeleton, There's One In Every State- Part 1

Published: 2023-10-11 00:00:00

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In this post, our focus is going to the bell witch in Tennessee, the mothman of West Virginia, and the LaLourie Mansion in Louisiana. Interestingly enough, two of these, the Bell Witch and the LaLourie Mansion are real. The mothman is more of a tulpa of sorts. A humanoid creature that is said to have first been sighted in 1966. The popularity of the mothman legend reached its peak when he was signed shortly before a bridge collapse in 1967. Of course, there's a movie about the whole thing and you can check out The Mothman Prophecies on one of the streaming services.

Not unlike the mothman, the Bell Witch also made it to popular media, with the Blair Witch Project being loosely based on her. The Bell Witch was based on the events that followed the Bell family of Robertson County, Tennessee. It is said that the Bell family was plagued by some sort of supernatural entity that resulted in a series of unfortunate events from 1817 to 1821. The rumors range from John Bell disturbing Native American burial land for his farmland to having a lover outside of his marriage to Lucy who unfortunately was a witch. No one is really sure how the mishaps started, not why they stopped, but today you can visit the cave of the Bell Witch and what remains of the Bell family home.

Unlike the LaLourie home, which is now private property. The original mansion burned down in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1834. The source of the fire was never determined, but it was assumed to have been started by the slaves who were mistreated by the lady of the house, Delphine LaLourie. LaLourie had three husbands who each died mysteriously while married to her, but that isn't why people know her name. LaLourie is known for the vile mistreatment of the slaves that she had in her home, almost akin to the Nazi experiments. Madame LaLourie's name and home are well-known to those interested in haunted properties such that celebrity Nicholas Cage once owned her rebuilt New Orleans home. He was plagued by misfortune that resulted in him losing millions, misfortune that stopped once he purchased a burial plot in New Orleans and sold the home. It is unknown if the new owners are also plagued by similar misfortune.

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