Crisp Inside Air

Published: 2023-11-14 00:00:00

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The snake plant, also known as mother in law's tongue, is known both for its health benefits and unusual appearance. It sort of looks like hard, dark green seaweed that's been forced to grow upwards and decorated with white bands. It makes for an interesting decor piece when placed around one's house, but also has some pretty great health benefits. Snake plants are known for their ability to filter air, even at night. In case you weren't aware, the fact that the snake plant can filter air through the night is crazy! Most other plants need sunlight to produce energy in order to perform really any function. The only other plants that are able to filter air at night are hot weather plants like cactuses, but even then, these plants do not do any sort of air filtration during the day, and if the hot weather plants did function during the day, they would lose what little water they are able to hold due to the heat. While not being a cactus, the snake plant can be cared for similarly to a succulent (which also require little care, with some only requiring water as infrequently as once a month to once per week).

Like some succulents, specifically aloe vera, the snake plant also has healing properties. While if eaten in large amounts, it is poisonous; in smaller amounts when consumed the snake plant can be used as a diuretic. The sap can also help enhance the healing process when applied to wounds and allegedly, the smell of the sap can even aid with headaches.

Maybe consider placing a snake plant in your house instead of aloe vera if you are having health issues, especially if that issue is allergies.  Snake plant? Sounds more like cure-all sage plant!

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