Apparently It's not Apples......

Published: 2023-11-27 00:00:00

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A recent study found that eating roughly a cup of strawberries a day for 12 weeks improved mood, reduced memory issues, and decreased symptoms of depression in 30 middle-aged, overweight adults. Instead of focusing on the results centered around depression, scientists were pleased to see the results around memory. Researchers suspect that the findings may assist in preventing or curbing the impacts of dementia, which is fairly common in people above the age of 65. Currently, there is no cure for dementia and many treatments nor remedies that help treat the symptoms.

Currently strawberry therapy is not something that is being considered as a treatment or prevention, but if studied more it could be a dietary/lifestyle choice that could help aid those impacted by dementia. Yes, there is a need to study the effects deeper, as the study mentioned previously has a low sample size and 25 of the 30 people were women. Men and women's bodies respond differently to treatments and while the results were positive, they do need to be explored in more detail. In the meantime, it may not hurt to consistently eat strawberries... maybe even more so than apples. 

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