Get Out of Debt with a Daily Saving Program: Simple Strategies for Debt Problems and Credit Card Debt Reduction

Published: 2020-12-20 00:00:00

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Making money and finding new sources of money may be the most desired methods of getting out of debt or reducing debt. However, it is possible, and not too difficult, to actually cut down daily spending and generate a small but steady flow of cash that can enable bigger payments on monthly credit card bills or on other debts. To take control now, read on for ways to help get out of debt.

Reducing Debts by Recycling

  • Straightaway, cut those bills on paper towels and tissues, and go green in the process as well. Old linen is great for cloth wipes; cut into required sizes, stitch up the edges, and then you have as many durable, reusable wipes as you need in a month. Work on double the number you will need to provide for washing time. Use old furnishings to make napkins that can replace tissues.

  • Rather than using foil for packing lunch, switch to insulated boxes. A one-time buy can save endless rolls of foil, and is easier on the environment as well.

  • Use leftovers to make innovative packed meals, sandwich fillings with a difference, salads with a twist, and so on.

Once you get the idea, it's surprising how much you can do. Remember, every little bit is working to help get out of debt.

Reducing Debts with Consistent Saving

Follow the 10% approach to saving. Cut back just a little every day on items that are constantly costing money, and discover how much can be saved. Toothpaste, washing soap, vegetable and meat servings, and electricity - where a little less really doesn't make a difference. When the 10% adds up, use it to increase the payment on your credit card debt.

Reducing Debts by Postponing Non-Essential Purchases

Make a note of all the ways in which money is spent on a regular basis, and take stock of what is essential versus what is non-essential. If entertainment is big on your list, reduce the periodicity, or put off dinners that can wait. Alternatively, change your style: go out for a fun picnic instead of hosting an elaborate gourmet dinner. Involve the family and get the buy-in of everyone, including the children. Explain that they, too, have to prioritize needs - like maybe putting basketball shoes over new clothes, for example.

Reducing Debts with a Trip to the Auction House

This is the time to take a good look at all the stuff in the attic or the spare bedroom. Take a hard look at that bunker bed the children grew out of a couple of years ago, or the old sofa set that needs just a bit of doing up to look like new again. Polish the bed, do up the sofa inexpensively, and take them to the auction house. Chances are someone else is looking for a decent secondhand piece of furniture. That sale will get rid of some clutter, and fetch quite a bit for payment on a monthly bill.

The important thing is not to get overwhelmed by debt problems. Stay positive, save your money daily, and work slowly but surely towards making larger monthly payments on credit card debts and reducing debts in other areas.

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