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Affordable Christmas Gift Ideas for Men
Published on 12/20/2020

Being in the midst of a throng of shoppers at Christmas and not knowing what you want to buy a new romantic partner may create a personal crisis, but there is no reason for it to do so. Buying for men today is not as difficult as it may initially appear, especially if the buyer takes a step back to consider some basics.

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Tips for Cleaning Up Credit Reports: Credit Debt Solutions for Everyday People
Published on 12/20/2020

Millions of individuals around the world are drowning in debt. All of this debt makes for some pretty nasty credit reports. Unfortunately, bad credit reports can mean that individuals are unable to get the financing they need in the future – for things like purchasing a house or a car. While many credit counseling agencies charge big bucks to provide tips for cleaning up credit report, there are tons of credit debt solutions for everyday people that they can implement themselves for free.

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How to Reduce Debt Interest Payments: Increase Disposable Income and Clear Debt Faster
Published on 12/20/2020

Finding ways to reduce debt interest payments will help to clear debt in a fraction of the time. While it is a reality of life that money lenders don't do this for free, there are more effective ways of borrowing money.

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Stop Repossession Now: Manage Priority Debts During the Credit Crunch
Published on 12/20/2020

Facing repossession is a horrible feeling, but is increasingly common in the current credit crunch. There are ways to delay or prevent repossession from happening - no matter what financial situation exists.

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Finding Money To Start a Savings Account: How to Create a Banking Safety Net in Today’s Economy
Published on 12/20/2020

The convenience of a checking account or a credit card is obvious - but why maintain a savings account in these tough economic times? The old advice of a three to six month financial cushion is even more important today than it was several years ago.

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Cheap Travel: Six Money-Saving Tips for Europe
Published on 12/20/2020

From traveling in off-peak travel months to flying budget airlines and scoping out free activities, there are many options for budget travel in Europe. Here are six top money-saving tips for a budget Europe vacation.

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Grant and Fellowship Money for Writers to Finance Their Careers
Published on 12/20/2020

Writing magazines, journals, unions, and federal and state educational and creative councils list currently open grants, contests, and fellowships that writers can apply for. Criteria and requirements to apply for the grants, fellowships, and contests are also listed with these periodicals and organizations.

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Booking Budget Travel to Ski Areas – Money-Saving Tips for Skiers
Published on 12/20/2020

To get anything resembling a good deal at a ski resort, the first rule is simple: stay away from peak periods. Read to learn some cost cutting and money saving tips for your next ski vacation!

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Save Money on Flight and Hotel Vacations: Avoid Unnecessary Fines and Fees
Published on 12/20/2020

Become familiar with the types of fees that a particular hotel or airline charges, and take steps to avoid incurring surprise fines that could damper a vacation.

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Stay-at-Home Moms Put Talent to Work and Add to the Family Budget
Published on 12/20/2020

Stay-at-home moms don’t have to have a degree or even a certificate to make money working from home. If moms are creative, talented, and don’t mind a little hard work, they can find a place to contribute to their families’ budget.

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Landscape a Yard with Thought and Save Money
Published on 12/20/2020

Landscaping a yard seems like a huge task, but like most projects, dividing into manageable segments works. Some yards already have trees and buildings in place, and these are not obstructions, but are building blocks or starting points for the landscaping plan. Develop a plan with flowers, shrubs, walkways, and water sources around construction and trees.

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How to Save Money When Traveling by Car: Business Road Travel Can Be Budget Friendly
Published on 12/20/2020

With many business executives looking to reduce travel expenses, road travel is becoming more frequent. It can be a less costly and more convenient way to travel to business meetings and conventions.